Things have changed a little since the last Holyrood budget. The SNP have a majority of seats so don’t need to negotiate which has sucked out a lot of the drama of building coalitions with the other parties, usually Tories and the Greens, has gone – this bill will pass. Which is a shame, because I thought that was one of the best bits of Holyrood and was a higher plane of politics than we usually get. Oh well.

Still, to be fair to John Swinney he has been trying to get cross party support and has been aided in this by the additional hundred million or so of Barnett consequentials, two thirds of which is so far unallocated, which has given him a bit of elbow room.

It’s less likely to be huge amounts of largesse and more that some areas will be cut less far – colleges being the current high profile example all the opposition parties are concentrating on. They’d had their funding cut some seventy million (while universities had their funding increased by around twice that) so it’s unlikely that we’ll see that entirely reversed but I’d imagine the cut to student support and some of the teaching grant cuts reversed.

Other than that? Bit more speculative. Some specific local government programs might get a bit as there’s some elections coming up. Housing’s already had some and might get some more, which would be good.

Given nobody has, AFAIK, submitted any amendments this time round what would you change? Comments please and remember – your fantasy budget amendment has to balance.

(Angus Loughran isn’t dead)