Despite not knowing many, or even any, of the characters involved, watching some of the Tea Party’s high-fiving, whooping and hollering candidates each get put to the electoral sword is highly satisfying indeed.

Sharron Anglein has pulled defeat from the jaws of victory against Harry Reid in Nevada, out-of-her-depth Christine O’Donnell barely got a look-in in Delaware and the California Governor candidate managed to blow £160m and still come up short. Lovely. How d’ya like them apples, Ms Palin?

Not that the current situation can be painted as good news for Barack Obama and Team Democrat; the Tea Party did make some impressive gains. The Democrats are losing the debate, possibly mostly due to the political cycle. However, some respite is in evidence through the lack of an attractive Republican for the US to revolve around.

What continues to get me is how the supposedly religious right can vote for tax cuts, smaller state Governing and a very individualist approach to society. It’s all a far cry from any sort of commitment to love thy neighbour…

Anyway, the worst news for Obama today? Sarah Palin now cannot possibly be the Republicans’ Presidential candidate. Surely. Right?