Tell you what, nothing fires you up to vote Yes to independence than an actor reading out a transcript from Shcotland’s favourite tax exile.

Ok, that’s it, cynicism out of the way. And anyway, the nation’s media have the cynicism cup running over what with their gritted teeth reporting of today’s Yes Scotland! event, from what I could glean on Twitter today at least. Suggesting a PR-disaster because Prometheus happens to be out with a strapline of ‘the beginning of the end’ or some such had to be one of the lamest takes on today’s proceedings.

The catcalls that this was Scotland’s z-list of celebrities was in equal parts childish and mistaken. Brian Cox, Liz Lochhead, Denis Canavan, Tommy Brennan and Alan Cumming et al all taking to the Cineworld stage and explaining their reasons for declaring their Yes votes is a significant contribution to the independence debate. Sure, today was glitzy and ultimately a bit hollow but as the counter ticks over with real people signing up to this declaration to vote Yes in Autumn 2014, there will at least be a sense of a momentum building towards an end result of Salmond’s choosing. That said, I don’t really follow the First Minister’s logic that one million declared Yes votes will deliver a Yes result at the referendum itself.

I am also concerned that this is very much preaching to the converted. Will any floating voters be turned by today’s events? Probably not, there’s plenty for proponents of independence to be gloomy about given the Yes camp seem stuck on 33% support for independence, according to a poll out today (with a biased question according to James Kelly).

However, today wasn’t about winning over the electorate, there’s plenty of time for that and the undecideds will probably wait till the last few weeks before breaking one way or the other. Today is about making some noise and building a base for the SNP + friends to push on from, creating a team that will knock the doors and make the calls that will outpower the opposition. I’m not at all convinced that an equivalent Yes Britain (or No Scotland?) coalition would yield the same zeal and volunteers as today will, though surely something will have to be cobbled together by Darling and Goldie etc at some point down the line to show a united unionist front. Perhaps the Cameo is a more suitable location for an event with some otherwise incompatible walk on parts? Glibness aside, today isn’t a game changer but it shows what one side is able to do whereas the other side can’t. Yet, at least.

As it is, the SNP, the Greens, the Socialists and quite a few Old Labour personalities make for an interesting alliance at this stage of the referendum campaign. Out-labouring Labour may well remain the SNP’s best chances of success in two years’ time, given the political Tory cross-dressing that Ed Miliband will have to do in order to win the 2015 Westminster election, arguably his highest priority, even over keeping Britain together.

Getting a left wing alliance behind a single declaration is a simple straightforward move that may builder a broader alliance. So what is this declaration:

“I believe that it is fundamentally better for us all if decisions about Scotland’s future are taken by the people who care most about Scotland, that is, by the people of Scotland.

Being independent means Scotland’s future will be in Scotland’s hands.

There is no doubt that Scotland has great potential. We are blessed with talent, resources and creativity. We have the opportunity to make our nation a better place to live, for this and future generations. We can build a greener, fairer and more prosperous society that is stronger and more successful than it is today.

I want a Scotland that speaks with her own voice and makes her own unique contribution to the world – a Scotland that stands alongside the other nations on these isles, as an independent nation.

It’s a bit happy-clappy to be fair. There’s nothing in the above that will lance the potent arguments about the Greek Euro issues directly undermining the SNP’s stance of a currency union with no political union, for example. Furthermore, Scotland is already greener and fairer under devolution and there can be no assurances that we’ll be more prosperous and more successful when independent, given that is simply a leap of faith.

The devil is in the detail but the saving grace is the last line. Seeing Scotland standing alongside other nations on the world stage will, I believe, bring untold benefits to Scotland’s ambitions, its confidence and its collective self esteem, which is why I had no hesitation in signing up to the pledge earlier today.