The average Slovakian pension is around 300 Euros a month while the average Greek pension is around 1200 Euros a month. It is little wonder therefore that Slovakia has voted No to a Greek bailout, bringing forward the real risk and probable inevitability of Greece defaulting on its loans.

As togetherly as I would like to be with Greece’s problems, I can’t help but wonder why we are throwing good money after bad at this issue. The solution to Greece and the Euro’s ills is not to pour more money into a broken system but rather to force Greece’s creditors, and the creditors of those creditors, to take a material haircut on what is owed to them and allow Greece to breathe again.

I forget the precise figure but the percentage of its outgoings that Greece spends on interest alone is eye-watering. A cut in liabilities would help significantly get Greece back to something of an equilibrium. That’s the deal that needs to happen, not putting money into Greece that will end up in banks’ largely well-capitalised pockets. That is a continuation of the short term gain outlook that banks are struggling to shake off, the something for nothing fast buck culture that Ed Miliband rightly railed against at Labour Conference.

Companies with big pockets backed the wrong horse with Greece and, like all gambling (for that’s what we’re dealing with here), they need to just take the hit.

It often takes the little guy to stand up to the big guys and in the EU they don’t come much littler than Slovakia. Good on them.